Key Storage

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Key Storage

The key storage is for holding multiple copies of Keys of Hate, Destruction, and Terror.


You can create the Key Storage by cubing one of each of the keys together + an ID Scroll. This will create a key storage with one of each key available.

How it Works

The key storage uses a "Credit" System where the amount of credits equal to the amount of keys stored inside of it. Each key is displayed seperately

Storing Keys

Simply cube the key you want to store with the key storage in the cube and you will add the credit count

Retrieving Keys

First you must obtain a grabber tool. You can purchase the grabber tools from Akara - They look like Ears

Cube the grabber tool with the key storage together and it will extract the key from the storage and use the credits that are in the key storage. If you do not have enough credits in the key storage for the item it will not work.